Sorry I've been gone so long, I have been truly uninspired lately. And man, life is busy! I really thought when all of our children left home things would settle down. Didn't happen!
I've been trying to lose weight. Mostly for health reasons. Partly for vanity. Partly because my husband and I are going to Alaska this year and I can't fit into my jeans! Today I made Grandma's cake. Today, not only did I not lose weight, I probably gained a few pounds.
Grandma's cake is a plain vanilla cake with icing made solely from milk, sugar, and vanilla and poured over the cake while it is warm. But before you pour the icing on, you poke holes in the cake so that the warm, sweet icing runs all through the cake. This is one ugly cake! But let me tell you, that icing permeates that cake, and even though that cake is full of holes and appears to be falling apart, when you get to the inside with all that gooey icing; you think you've tasted heaven!
This cake is a lot like some of us. Not so pretty on the outside; not so appealing. A few lumps and holes. If you take some of us on face value alone, we would not be so desirable. We are sweet and loving on the inside. Strong and caring individuals. But you have to taste the cake. You have to get to the inside. If you take the time to really SEE us, to get to know us, you might think you've tasted heaven!
Sometimes, sadly, we see OURSELVES as ugly or not so lovable. We must remember that, to love others, we have to love ourselves. We have to remember to forgive ourselves for whatever holes we have in our lives. God loves all of us, holes and all!
Maybe tomorrow dieting will be easier. The cake is gone. I'm sure there will be another temptation to take it's place. I will pray for the ability to resist. But remember, look at a person's heart, not their lumps and bumps! And be a little easier on yourself!